Opening Song - Baby Hop
Rhyme- Reach For the Ceiling
Reach for the ceiling.
Touch the floor.
Stand up again.
Let’s do some more!
Touch your head, now your knees,
Back up to your shoulders, if you please!
Reach for the ceiling.
Touch the floor.
Let’s do it again, faster, once more.
(Do it 3 times, faster each time. On the last time say;)
Sit back down, 'cause I can’t do anymore!
Book – Sock Monkeys Do the Monkey Monkey!
by William B. Winburn
Rhyme - Choo-Choo-Choo
The train goes down the track.
(Run fingers down arm)
And then it runs right back!
(Run fingers up arm)
Rhyme - Peanut
A peanut sat on the railroad track,
Its heart was all a-flutter.
Along came the big, black train,
Peanut butter!
Book – From Head to Toe
by Eric Carle
Rhyme -Hey, Diddle, Diddle
Hey, diddle, diddle, (bounce baby)
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped over the moon. (lift baby)
The little dog laughed to see such sport, (bounce baby)
And the dish ran away with the spoon. (sway)
Rhyme -Riding Game
This is the way the farmer rides,
Jiggety-jog, jiggety jog. (bounce baby slowly on knees)
This is the way the lady rides,
A-prance, a-prance, a-prance. (bounce faster)
This is the way the gentleman rides,
A-gallop, a-gallop, a-gallop! (bounce fastest)
Activity – play with parachute!
Hats, Preschool Storytime, 1/22 & 1/23/2014
11 years ago
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